Lim Young-min officially leaves AB6IX after police revoke his driving license

Lim Young-min has officially left boyband AB6IX after police revoked his driver's license for drunk driving on May 31, his agency Brandnew Music said on Monday night.
"After careful talks with Lim Young-min, we have decided to respect his wishes that he wants to quit so as not to damage the team further," the agency said on AB6IX's official fan site.
Lim was caught driving under the influence on May 31, which forced the group to push the release date of its new EP "Vivid" from June 8 to June 29.
According to the agency, it had to throw away all ready-made copies of the album and rewrite the songs without Lim's parts. All CDs, photographs and the music video will be redone.
"We sincerely apologize and promise to give you good music in return for your understanding and support," the agency said, asking for fans' understanding.