Mystery thriller show 'Little Women' stays in Netflix's non-English series top 10
Ongoing television series “Little Women” on tvN continued to stay in Netflix's 10 most-watched non-English series this week, at No. 9.
According to data analysis company FlixPatrol, the show is No. 1 in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudia Arabia, Singapore, Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, and No. 8 worldwide, as of Tuesday.
“Little Women,” loosely based on the classic novel of the same name by Louisa May Alcott, stars Kim Go-eun, Park Ji-hu and Nam Ji-hyun. Unlike the actual book, which followed four sisters, the series revolves around three.
It is a mystery thriller following the three sisters as they find themselves chained to a case of a missing slush fund of 70 billion won ($50.6 million) in which the people involved keep dying.
“Little Women” airs new episodes every Saturday and Sunday at 9:10 p.m.