iKon's Bobby excited for fans to hear new album set to drop today

Singer Bobby of iKon said he is excited and nervous to unveil his new songs for fans.
“I thought making people sympathize with my album was one of the most important things, along with having a story [that flows], so that listeners can have high expectations about the song that is coming next as they listen to the album," Bobby said during an online press conference on Monday to celebrate the release of his new album.
His second full-length album titled “Lucky Man” is set to drop at 6 p.m. today and comes three years and four months after his first album.
“I have named the album ‘Lucky Man’ as I think I’m lucky to have experienced many different emotions in my 20s,” said the singer.
“The joy, anger, sadness and cheerfulness a man feels is all in there. There are five emotional turns [in the album], and the end comes with how one overcomes everything.”
The album has a total of 17 songs, all of which Bobby has either helped write lyrics for or composed.
The singer will go online one hour before the release on Naver V Live to talk with fans about the new album and do a countdown together.
BY LEE SUN-MIN [summerlee@joongang.co.kr]