Fifty Fifty's appeal to end contracts with Attrakt dismissed by court

A court once again dismissed girl group Fifty Fifty members' request to have their exclusive contracts with their agency Attrakt be nullified, upholding on Tuesday a decision made last August in favor of the quartet's agency.
The request came as an appeal to a court's dismissal of the request for an injunction on the four members' exclusive contracts that was filed on June 19 and rejected on Aug. 28. Members claimed that they had been mistreated by the agency as it failed to provide the necessary files related to the girl group's income and neglected the members’ health, not giving support.
The court on Tuesday said that the members failed to hand in an explanatory statement for the appeal, giving no data to back their once-rejected argument.
Tuesday's ruling applied to only three of the members, excluding Keena, who dropped her case and returned to the agency last week. On Oct. 23, the agency announced that it terminated its contracts with members Aran, Sio and Saena on Oct. 19.
Fifty Fifty’s legal representatives added the legal battle “will now move on to determining who is responsible for the case and compensation for the damages after both parties agreed to end the contract.”
"After discussing with the members, we will decide whether we should file the lawsuit first,” they said.
Fifty Fifty was a rising star, with its song “Cupid” charting on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart less than a year after its debut last November. Members filed an injunction request on their contracts with Attrakt on June 19, starting the legal conflict.
To find out more about Fifty Fifty, visit Celeb Confirmed!