
Actor Song Hye-kyo teams up with professor to promote Korean script

A photo of actor Song Hye-kyo, right, and Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk, is posted on the latter's Instagram account. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Actor Song Hye-kyo and Seo Kyoung-Duk, professor of general education at Sungshin Women’s University, partnered up once again to celebrate Hangul Day.

The two jointly created a Korean map of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Lacma) to be posted on the museum's website just in time for the annual holiday celebrating the Korean script, on Oct. 9.

The Korean brochures were made available in June, but this is the first time for it to go online, Seo said.

A photo of the Korean brochures created by actor Song Hye-kyo and Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Lacma) [SCREEN CAPTURE]

"Korean is now the third language to be posted on the Lacma website's map," Seo wrote on his Instagram on Monday.

"Song Hye-kyo and I have been providing Korean brochures to museums around the world ever since starting the project in 2006 with the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. […] We plan to expand this project to Europe. We will give it our best effort until Korean language services become available in major museums and tourist spots around the world."

Song and Seo have been partnering up to promote the Korean language through various events, such as creating brochures and guidebooks.